Comfort Yankson

Health Adviser/SBCC Director, Member Project planning committee

Comfort Yankson, MSc,
Health Adviser/SBCC Director, Member Project planning committee

Comfort holds MSc Degree in Health Services Planning and Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and Former staff of the USAID system for health- Ghana, AED – Ghana Sustainable Change Project as Health Communication Specialist, and the District Nutrition Officer Ghana Health Service Ministry of Health. She headed the ASPI- World Food Project as Director, she has agreed to work with ASPI in the capacity of the mentioned title above.

She had previously achieved so much as a consultant working on ASPI community theatre program has been visiting the groups to monitor their rehearsals. Ms. Comfort Yankson a Ghanaian brings over 17 years of experience implementing integrated nutrition and livelihood improvement projects in Ghana and South Sudan.

Her specialties include reducing malnutrition in children under five, enhancing women’s economic empowerment, and training health care providers at all levels in SBCC. Most recently, she served as the Health and Nutrition Technical Advisor for the USAID/ADRA SSHiNE Project in South Sudan, which reduced malnutrition in children under 5, decreased prevalence of childhood diseases and enhanced women’s economic empowerment within households and leadership within communities.

Previously, Ms. Yankson served as a Regional Programme Implementation Officer for USAID’s Focus Region Health Project in the Central, Greater
With more than a decade experience in project management, Comfort Yankson will be responsible for supervising the BCC of the new project as the manager. She has also worked in South Sudan and travelled extensively in both Ghana and abroad. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge in BCC and will be key to getting communities to change their entrenched negative behavior.

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