Tuberculosis Prevention Program
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Between 2006 and 2008, ASPI run Tuberculosis (TB) prevention programs in partnership with the National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP) under sponsorship from the Global Fund. ASPI succeeded in reaching more than 15,952 people in 35 communities throughout Ketu District during that time. During the implementation ASPI identified 320 suspected cases of TB during house-to-house visits and credit group meetings, and referred clients to local health facilities. Sixty six of the cases were confirmed and immediately put on treatment.
Other activities included educational campaigns at local churches, schools, marketplaces, and during durbars.
During the implementation of the TB control project 15,952 community members were reached with behavioral change communication activities in 35 communities through:
House-to-house visits to 969 households
Education of members of churches, mosques, credit groups, and fishing companies.
3,130 TB I E&C materials were distributed and posted.