Malaria Prevention and Treatment Program
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Since 2006, ASPI has partnered with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and Ghana Health Services (GHS) to reduce the prevalence of malaria morbidity and mortality in rural hard-to-reach communities in the Volta Region of Ghana.
With funding from USAID, ASPI is currently implementing a $1,082,282.64 malaria prevention and treatment project, serving 85 communities across Keta Municipality, Ketu North and Ketu South Districts in the Volta Region of Ghana. The project, specifically targets pregnant women and children under five, the most at risk of malaria complications.
The project’s activities and objectives, which are strategically aligned with those of NMCP and Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) Malaria Operational Plan include:
- Distribution and hanging of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) and promotion of correct and consistent use;
- Implementation of bed net re-treatment campaigns and dissemination of supplies;
- Promotion of correct use of IPTp among pregnant women;
- Training of Community Based Agents (CBAs) to disseminate services and education at the community and household levels;
- Provision of case management and referrals via home-based care, especially for pregnant women and children under five; and
- Dissemination of IEC/BCC mater materials to support appropriate health seeking behaviour and promote early and effective treatment with ACTs.
Over the two years of implementation of this project, ASPI has made significant achievements. Through house-to-house visits, ASPI has reached out to a total of 101,568 (both FY 2009 and FY 2010) people including 23,998 children under five years old and 2,350 pregnant women in 85 communities, with behaviour change messages on, ITN, ACT, IPTp, and home management of fever. ASPI has also distributed a total of 19,000 free ITNs to pregnant women and children under five years. In addition, 620 ITNs have been sold at a subsidized price of 2.0 Ghana Cedis to other members of beneficiary communities with the exception of children under five and pregnant women. Also, 28 interactive radio programs, 49 community drama performances and visits to 23 churches have been carried out, reaching audiences of about 24,000, 89,000 and 3,573 community members respectively, with behaviour change messages on malaria prevention and treatment.
Reports from the various community health facilities indicate that there is significant reduction in malaria related cases and deaths among children under five and pregnant women in beneficiary communities, compared to non-beneficiary communities and community members that are not the primary target under this project.