Health Infrastructure Education and Services
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ASPI plays a key role in preventing the spread of Corona virus, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS throughout Africa's rural communities especially in Ghana and Nigeria. CBAs work at the community and household level to educate clients in prevention techniques and ensure the early detection and Health services are disseminated in a variety of forums, including credit group meetings, church services, house-to-house visits, and large-scale community gatherings, locally known as durbars as well as online education and social media platforms. ASPI is part of an extensive network of public and private healthcare agencies, and offers referrals for outpatient care, when appropriate.
With the support of the United States Agency for International Development, (USAID), Global Fund, Ghana AIDS Commission, National Tuberculosis Program, and Ghana Health Service, ASPI is helping to prevent the spread of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Africa’s rural and peri-urban communities.
Our health extension workers (Community Based Agents) are recruited from local communities and trained in prevention techniques, monitoring, de-stigmatization, and the early detection and referral of cases. They provide health services at the community and household levels, reaching out to clients during credit group meetings, church services, house-to-house visits, and large-scale gatherings such as community durbars.
ASPI’s health education curriculum involves innovative, culturally-appropriate techniques to communicate effectively with clients. For example, during community durbars, positive health messages are delivered by traditional Ghanaian drama/theatre performance, or through audio-visual displays in the local languages.
Related health services include condom distribution, follow-up for pregnant women on anti-malarial prophylaxis, demonstrations for proper hanging and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs), retreatment of used bed-nets, case management for malaria/fever and TB patients, and referrals to an extensive network of public and private healthcare agencies.
Currently, ASPI is in the process of expanding its health services to include reproductive health and water & sanitation in the short term. The organization is therefore looking for partners to support its health projects.